At the hostel, Thirty Days encountered its second guest cameo: Dr. Javier Vera, a TV producer who lives and works in Orlando. He also attends conventions all over North America to do with new media and the future of the business. There was one rolling through Boston, so that explained his presence.
Javier and I took a trip to Harvard, a small college just north of the Charles River in Cambridge, Mass. By the way, everybody refers to the state and all of its subsequently titled hospitals, schools, and streets not as Massachusetts, but simply as "Mass".
When we walked by the main church on campus, Javier and I noticed several hundred or maybe a couple thousand chairs set up. Turns out Al Gore spoke there yesterday. It was almost enough for me to stay in Boston for an extra afternoon, until I remembered that Al Gore is the most boring person in the world. But it's all part of a new initiative to green the school.
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