Rest assured, this might be the last picture of me on this blog. I'm not a fan of this kind of thing normally, but this is pretty much to let my parents know that I'm alive and in (fairly) good
I stumbled upon the Iraqi embassy on Massachusetts Avenue (they sound the whole thing out here, unlike in Boston). Behind me is a water-bottle delivery service. International trade right in front of me!
This is the self-proclaimed Greatest Block in D.C. -- according to the Canadian embassy, anyway. I must agree. That a museum (or Newseum!) about the development of the free press is located right beside the Canadian HQ in Washington is ... well, I can't tell you how at home I felt as I walked past.
Lots of flags, sun bursting through the clouds. Snap.
I had no idea this Newseum existed. And like you I am crapping rainbows that it is right next to the Canadian embassy. Extremely awesome.
Also, I have no idea why it didn't just put Carl there. OpenID is deceptive. If it does it again, I'm going to get angry.
Nici. Awesome start to a great odyssey ... Dad
Who's Nici ...must be Nick!!
Nick, I'm so glad to see you are looking great, facial hair and all! Keep the pictures and stories coming ...
Their American grass sure is ugly compared to our fertile Canadian grass. Great shot of the Big Pillar!
Nicky! you look so good!
I remember the mall when I was there but that newseum, well dang.
I'm not crapping rainbow or nothing but, dang.
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