Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama vs. McCain: The Ultimate Showdown

My dear uncle Doug asked in a comment what the mood is down here re: presidential election campaign. Well, to be blunt, I'm not the one to ask.

On the way south, you'll observe most of my destinations have been, well, either blue states or liberal enclaves in red states. As far as I can tell, Obama's got about 75 per cent of the vote locked up.

But of course that's not the case. In Birmingham and again today in New Orleans, I heard some talk radio. Conservative talk radio. And there were some upset Republicans (the Angry Right?) on air who really do think that Obama is a terrorist, a socialist, and the worst thing for America since French fries.

Most people seem to think that Obama has it, though. So that's the update with five days left until voting day.


Unknown said...

The 30 minute ad is somewhere in the intertubes if you look hard enough. I saw the first couple minutes of it.

Unknown said...

Given the suspect info coming out of Fox and CNN, and the scary clips on YouTube, I would trust the Nick-o-meter.

So the next question is, "What's it like seeing America from the bus window?" Billboards? Blah?Bonanza?

Over to you Nicholas de Toqueville.

Anonymous said...

^^ That reminds me. One thing I always enjoyed about the States was the number of billboards that advertised the ten commandments as though they were a new Van Halen album. Have you seen this?