- 10 minutes after crossing the border into Calais, Maine, and I saw a bald eagle. How freaking predictable is that?
- We passed by a 500m peak called Lead Mountain. I'm from such a boring province that this seemed exciting. You'd think Ontario, in all its enormity, would find a place for a mountain. Instead, hills. Softly rolling hills.
- In rural Maine, McCain-Palin signs vastly outnumber Obama-Biden. But in Bangor, the largest town east of Augusta (the state capital, also not very large), Obama signs on private property outnumber McCain's by about 6:1. There are no Obama signs on public property, where the McCain people have staked their territory.
Rural Maine: leaning red
Bangor: blue as Paul Bunyan's famous ox
Here he is:
How exactly did I get lost? Behold.

Notice the airport. I can hear planes from my hotel room, which faces the landing strip, and as I walked underneath it along Odlin Road a Navy cargo jet flew over. It was just like Wayne's World. Whoooaaaa!
Man, another one just landed. I think the Navy is having a party tonight. Where's my invite?
The hotel room, just in case you haven't seen enough pictures:
That statue reminds me of Fargo. Great movie.
The hanging jacket is a nice touch.
Automatic awesome points for Wayne's World reference.
I recognize that sweater!
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