After almost three weeks of sun or only partial cloudiness, America decided to rain. And it's going to keep doing that for the next couple of days (according to the only people less trustworthy than politicians). Try as I might, I probably can't escape it.
Notice how New Orleans isn't raining. It's just asking for me to come back. That's right, me.
Looks like you might get a glimpse of snow, if you're still in Colorado.
Oh, there was snow. Colorado and New Mexico both got some. A snowstorm broke out right near the border!
Yeh, fellah! No rain in N'Arleans and none on the East Coast. But snow is a'creeping across the contry. First in the Prairies, then in Windsor, then London, and soon, darn it, the misery will visit the east too. Maybe tonight. Yowza! Validation for turning on the furnace., and clearing a path to the shovel.
Are you sure Joe Blflvxz is not on your bus?
That's the forecast for Toronto too... blah.... the 7-day is allllll rain
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