Just a quick jaunt over the Rockies to Salt Lake City, Utah. I never thought I'd go to Utah. Just a quick note: In both Denver and Salt Lake, there are free fare zones downtown. And both cities have rapid transit right downtown.
My name is Nick Taylor-Vaisey. I have an undergrad degree in political science and a few clippings in newspapers and magazines around Canada. I live in Ottawa.
I saved some money this summer and, with minimal planning and as much spontaneity as I can muster, I am setting off on a 30-day bus voyage across (parts of) North America.
Ambitious, I know. How can anyone hope to appreciate Canada's east coast and America's eastern seaboard, gulf coast, and west coast while peering out the windows of a Greyhound bus?
Well, follow along and see how I do. I have a camera and expect to see a few friends along the way. There might even be some cameos.
A friend asked me to ask you if you plan to pass by Alaska. My guess is no?
Your guess is correct.
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