As you can see, Greyhound doesn't always allow you to go in straight lines. That last 23-hour leg (24, actually, since we dropped a time zone) was something else. Turns out Kansas looks
exactly how you think it would.
Cars kicking up dust on dirt roads reaching to the horizon.
And the flattest horizon you can imagine.
Night and day are interchangeable 0n the Great Plains.
Whew, 24 hours on a bus! I don't know how you do it, Nonstopnick! Glad to hear you made it to Denver. The videos are AMAZING!
Bring back a sample of tumbleweed. I've never seen those things before.
I will always remember going across Saskatchewan and seeing a grain elevator appear on the horizon, watching it approach for about ten minutes, and then watching it recede for roughly the same amount of time. I'm sure the concept it more or less the same in Kansas, only with less curling.
Are you going to be making a stop in California during your travels? How I love California...
Like driving from Calgary to Winnipeg. Past Regina, it's four hours before you see a tree. Some perverse cause to be excited.
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