Thursday, October 30, 2008

Markets are loonie

Trading at 83 cents 81 cents, up two zero cents over yesterday's close. On this budget, every cent matters. And late last week, the dollar was down to 76 cents.

(Over the course of this post, the value of my pocketbook in this country dropped significantly. I hate volatile financial markets.)


annietv600 said...

Nick, I was thinking about this just this morning. You carefully saved your money for this trip, and when you left, what happened to the loonie? Nosedive! Bummer. But you're resourceful and thrifty and you will make it!

Unknown said...

Maybe charge things to credit? Hmm.

Unknown said...

The question is whether the purchasing power of your dollar remains the same. Does $1.00 US buy in Louisiana what $1.00 CDN buys in Ottawa? Folks tell me their dollar goes further in the US than in Canada -- more for the same $, less tax. Be grateful you are not in France, where the Euro is killing us in the markets.