Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Notes from Birmingham

I saw a sign for someone running to be the district judge. Fair enough, Americans elect judges. I disagree with that, but so it goes.

But now, wow. I just saw a sign for a candidate for none other than the prestigious position of Tax Assessor.

Americans elect everybody. They just elected a traffic light, in fact. It was the man (post?) for the job.


Anonymous said...

I assume by "traffic light" you mean "George W. Bush"...


Unknown said...

I thought you meant Palin until I remembered she's not elected yet.

Philippe said...

in California, they're also referendum enthusiasts. I saw an absentee (mail-in) ballot and it had more than 30 items to vote on! I'll talk about it on my blog soon.

Unknown said...

Hey! They elect district attorneys, dog catchers...yep, a whole host of public officials. This is why the electronic voting machine is so popular.

Now, Monsieur Nick, you seem not to have maintained your observations on the Obama/McCain runoff. What's the mood of the South?

Travis said...

A "postman", if you will.