Monday, October 20, 2008

The Maritimes in a day

I slept from Halifax until Truro, so I don't know what that looked like. Deal with it.

I am pleased to announce that the first official guest character of Thirty Days across America made an appearance in Amherst, Nova Scotia.

Welcome to the show Mike Jakeman. He worked at an Irving convenience store for nine years, went to college in Halifax to study accounting, finished a three-month stint looking for work in Vancouver. He now lives in Moncton and is paying off student loans before completing his four-year program at a Halifax-area university. Either St. Mary's or Mount St. Vincent.

Go for St. Mary's, dude. Go Huskies.

Anyways, he was one of those typical Canadians. Thanks for appearing on the show on the blog in this experiment, Mike.

Here's something notable about New Brunswick. Saint John is one of the prettiest ugly towns in Canada. And hey, if you squint really hard and imagine you are in Vancouver on a sunny day, it's downright beautiful in Saint John. Yeah, we're talking Hamilton ugly.


W3 said...

Saint John is the Hamilton of the Maritimes. But I can't believe you went from Amherst to Saint John without a stop in dearest Sackville! What's wrong!??!?!

Nick said...

We did drive through it! But cuts had to be made, W3, cuts had to be made.

mel said...

Speaking of cuts to be made... I think you know where I'm going on my opinion of your tour of the "maritimes". I can only hope you're saving PEI so you can do it up proper at a later date. Since the rest of the trip is so badass I guess I understand.

Nick said...

Taking some heat! For what it's worth, I only spent 25 minutes in New York City.

PEI gets the short end of the stick once again, though. Apologies to all 11 people on that island.